“Harmonies that slowly slide into one another… The drum turns into a kind of wind machine with a rippling effect that acts as a sonic smoke canon to put a fog or mysterious smoke veil at the bottom of the soundscape.”
— Klassik (translated from Danish)
Concert Reviews
Toute La Culture
“Ces noces de la musique et du murmure se retrouvent dans ‘We Are Strangers’ de Kirsten Milenko, pour violon, alto, violoncelle, contrebasse et viole de gambe. Ici, ce sont les fantômes d’une mélancolie vaguement néo-tonale que caressent les archets et les cordes, esquissant un voile délicat et séduisant, comme suspendu.”
“Kirsten Milenko's ‘We Are Strangers’, for violin, viola, cello, double bass and viola da gamba, is a marriage of music and whisper. Here, it is the ghosts of a vaguely neo-tonal melancholy that the bows and strings caress, sketching out a delicate, seductive veil, as if suspended.”
Limelight Magazine
“[Solace] had a gentle opening that sat softly in the ear. Full of effects, like harmonics and fingers bouncing on the neck of the cello, the music seemed to evoke imagery, rarely rising above a soft dynamic, as it slowly weaved its musical story before a mysterious and beguiling finish. The playing was simply extraordinary.”
“Le style délicat de l’Australienne Kirsten Milenko a mis en valeur le timbre particulier de la viole de gambe, intégrant l’instrument au cœur d’un quintette à cordes tout en échos dans son très beau We Are Strangers.”
“The delicate style of Australian Kirsten Milenko brought out the particular timbre of the viola da gamba, integrating the instrument at the heart of a string quintet full of echoes in her beautiful We Are Strangers.”
Ballett Journal; Magazin für Ballett
“Die Kooperation von Musik und Tanz ist bei ‘De-Voir’ ganz sicher sehr zu loben. Und auch Einzelteile der Choreographie gehen stark unter die Haut.”
‘The co-operation between music and dance in ‘De-Voir’ is certainly to be praised. And individual parts of the choreography also really get under your skin.”
Pittwater Online News
“Kirsten has allowed herself to evolve, to let her nature and interests coalesce to produce sounds that allow you to immerse yourself and be lifted.”
“Fra begyndelsen vokser mystiske og fortættede klange ud af orkestret, hvor også en stor variation af instrumenter kommer i spil. Harmonier, der langsomt glider over i hinanden... Den store tromme bliver til en slags vindmaskine med en rislende effekt, der nærmest fungerer som en lydmæssig røgkanon, der lægger en tåge eller mystisk røgslør nederst i lydbilledet.”
“From the beginning, mysterious and dense sounds grow out of the orchestra, where a wide variety of instruments also come into play. Harmonies that slowly slide into each other... The big drum becomes a kind of wind machine with a rippling effect that almost functions as a sonic smoke cannon, creating a fog or mysterious veil of smoke at the bottom of the soundscape.”
“Une musique de l’errance aux textures flottantes et registres clairs superbement restituée par les interprètes de Musikfabrik.”
“A music of wandering, with floating textures and clear registers, superbly interpreted by the performers of Musikfabrik.”
“Åbningskoncerten for årets Klangfestival stod smukt i rummet i koncertsalen i det gamle radiohus med sine fire minutiøse, tyste værker… det efterlod et smukt indtryk af en flok unge toneskabere, der vil røre publikum og skærpe vores opmærksomhed for lydverdenens detaljer og nuancer.”
“The opening concert of this year's Klangfestival stood beautifully in the space of the concert hall of the old radio house with its four meticulous, silent works... it left a beautiful impression of a group of young sound creators who will touch the audience and sharpen our attention to the details and nuances of the sound world.”
Canberra CityNews
“The music captures the first gentle hints of regrowth and regeneration. Playing in pianissimo throughout, the players evoked moments of despair, contrasted with gentle imagery and symbolism of hope. It could have meant many different things to many people.”
Premiere of Traho: Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra with conductor Lin Liao, Lucerne Festival 2021
Mizmorim Chamber Music Festival 2023 - Basel, Switzerland © Zlatko Micic
Feature Articles
Limelight Magazine
21 October 2024 - World Premiere: Hyphae
Limelight Magazine
25 August 2021 - Two Australians to premiere Roche Young Commissions at the Lucerne Festival
Fever Pitch Magazine
8 June 2020 - Mind Over Manuscript: Kirsten Milenko